
You pushed love down the stairs…

I grew up in San Francisco and when I was a kid, I would walk my wagon up a steep hill by my house and ride it down the middle of the street. I remember flying in the air when my wagon would hit bumps. There were moments I achieved weightlessness. Floating or flying, whatever it was, it was wonderful.

I remember flying far out of my wagon on some bumps. Sometimes I would leave the wagon completely and land on the road.

As children, we all got hurt playing. We got up if we fell down, wiped the dirt out of our hands and kept playing.

I got hurt learning to ride my bike too. I bet you got hurt learning to ride your bike. We get hurt many times growing up but getting hurt playing never changed how we felt about ourselves.

When the people that we trusted to love us, hurt us, it did change the way we felt about ourselves. Most people do not stop playing because they got hurt playing, they stopped playing because they were hurt emotionally.

If we became numb during the time someone hurt us, we may not remember why we stopped playing. Come with me and I will show you how we can find a connection to the playful part of us, once again.

When we are infants, we are unable to take care of ourselves and need our parents to take care of us. We focus on our parent’s emotions and happiness more than our own, because we need them for our care.

Betrayal, trauma or neglect hurt us emotionally, we get upset…and  when we experience our emotions of sadness or upset, if our emotions make the person that is hurting our feelings more upset and they hurt us more…it is natural for us to  stop having emotions, in order to be less abused… Denying our emotions is how we quickly lose our connection to “self” and soon, we stop playing fearlessly.

Connected to our own feelings about ourselves is where we are strongest.

The feelings of someone we bond with become a part of how we feel about ourselves. It is sad, but becoming numb actually makes the feelings of insecurity we have,  hard to experience and understand as not our own feelings but the feelings someone else had that was in my opinion a jerk.

These are feelings someone conditioned us to have about ourselves. We were conditioned to become numb when they got emotionally upset about being hurt by someone. When we were numb, it was easy to condition us to accept their feelings about us, instead of our own.

Each time they lied to us and promised us love and took love instead, we had a dissonance occur in our brain that was created by our caring more about them than they did for us. This dissonance in our brain made us infatuated with the pursuit of their attention and love. This pursuit, of the admiration and attention of someone that does not love us, is the foundation for narcissism. The feelings of insecurity we have from someone that hurt us, is more about them and less about us. Each minute we get back up and fight to get our life and emotions back, the insecurities we have, just like realizing a nightmare was just a bad dream…disappear forever.

We were happy playful kids. We took on the feelings of the person that hurt us and bonded with them because we did not have our own feelings and emotions.

Understanding our insecurities are not about us is important. Our insecurities are like weeds that someone else planted and have nothing to do with us.

The insecurity weeds grow larger each time we listen to someone that tells us to abandon our emotions. Our emotions are the beautiful flowers that grow in our garden, when we care about them.

Re- connecting to our true self is like finding our garden, we have to hear and experience all of our emotions. We were not comfortable having the emotions that created our aliveness but we need to reconnect to them now. When we have compassion for our heart, we open the well that waters the garden and we bloom again.

When we love someone that loves us, we see who we are. We stop being worried about what others think and we enjoy what we are doing.

Narcissists are everywhere now, it is important for our ability to re-connect with our self, that we avoid them.

Humans are not able to be introspective without emotions. As a narcissist, a person is not able to realize they do not have much empathy for others they want in their lives.

Narcissists can speak of love and tell you they love you. Narcissists have dramatic swings of feelings about themselves because “feeling admired” is far from connecting to the real child/person within.

If we bond with a narcissist and we become numb, we risk losing the ability to connect to our emotions and become our authentic selves.

(Here is where we push love down the stairs…)

I was emotionally hurt a long time ago and because of that I began studying A Course in Miracles and Neuro Linguistic Programming. After doing N.L.P. for a while, I became a narcissist. It was great not to feel sad but I did not notice I was not feeling many emotions at all.

I did a lot of work to feel my emotions again and I am proud to say I understand how much better life is feeling all my emotions. I am no longer a narcissist and would be glad to help anyone that wants help re-connecting to their authentic self.

Yesterday on a new age radio network, I was listening to a very popular author. She was taking calls from listeners and helping them with the problems they had.

The woman that called in wanted to know, “Why do I keep chasing after people that hurt me?”

The author told the person, “You need to stop caring so much about people in your life and become selfish. You deserve to be happy.”

We do not need to become selfish, or narcissists to be happy.

When we are whole and connected to our emotions, we are able to be happy and love others.

I am sad to hear so many people telling others to do something that would only bring symptomatic relief and then bring the caller back needing more.

To remove the cause of a problem, I would ask more questions of the caller. If I understood more, I could empower the caller to remove the cause of their problems themselves.

There are maps that allow people to return to the connection they once had with themselves. Each map is unique because our path is our life. It is wonderful to show someone how he or she can create a wonderful re-bonding experience himself or herself.
It is only through love that we can heal our broken heart.

In loving our children, we see our own beauty. The person that runs into our arms with love is the mirror we want to have.

The love we have for the person that loves us, will allow us to see how much we are like the person we love and we will bond to the feeling they have about us.

When we have bonding experiences with souls that reflect how lovable and wanted we are, we will once again play with abandon.

Faith in Yourself


My work is about bringing clarity to our brain, perceptions and life. I want to empower people to have the choice to be well or create the things they want most. I want people to be able to create those with their own power.

Most people do not understand how much power we have to create health or the things we want to enjoy. At least 40% of the healing we get from most medications is from the placebo effect.

I think it is important as a first step for us to understand how we create things in our life. This video shows what part of our brain is making decisions for us and creating the theme to our life.

Many people are not aware of how much our brain creates automatically for us. One of these things is our health. Our body normally heals itself.

Our brain is not our mind and it operates differently than people have been told our mind works. Our brain is who we are and we change our brain each time we have a new way of experiencing ourselves. Our brain is made to be easily updated with new and improved information about ourselves, so that we can function better in the world. We see this when we learn how to float or ride a bike, our brain is updated and how we experience ourselves or the world is enhanced.

“Who we are” is important because how we feel about ourselves and the world is intimately connected to what our brain creates as far as our well being, relationships, happiness, health and creativity. We can become more and more of the author of our story as we become more aware of how much health or happiness we normally should have when we are not stressed.

If we want to be well or create great things, I believe it is important to understand how much the emotional part of our brain, the non-verbal part of us….is involved in creating what happens in our life. When we have a good feeling about ourselves we have the best opportunity to create the things we want.

We do not need to give our power away. We can heal ourselves.

The power of our brain to create is evident in placebo and nocebo. Placebo means what we create for our good. Nocebo means what we create that hurts us. The part of our brain that creates with placebo or nocebo, is not the part of our brain that uses language, it is the non-verbal part of our brain.

This non-verbal part of our brain controls our reactions, emotions, perceptions and health. This part of our brain is “who” we are and makes more decisions than most people realize.

Modern neuro-science has produced data that shows the brain initiating motor movements without necessarily engaging the “executive module” that is responsible for our sense of self-awareness and volition.

This “influence of suggestion in modifying and directing muscular movement, independently of volition” was given the label idel-motor action by the psychologist/physiologist William B. Carpenter in 1852.

What this means to me is, that in order to test something impartially we would have to use something that could find results in a double blind study (which means how we feel does not influence the results.)

If I believe something to be true, my findings will support my sense if I use a test that is not scientific.

When people have been tested doing muscle testing, using double blind studies giving their patients artificial sweetener (with an unlabeled bottle and a drop on the tongue) or fructose (with an unlabeled bottle and a drop on the tongue), the tests to see if they could muscle test to find which unmarked bottle had which substance have been shown to have no scientific value.

Only when someone knows what they are looking for does the test in muscle testing support their findings.

Using an inaccurate test to support a belief we may have about what someone’s problem is caused by, may create a problem for a person they did not have.

Nocebo effects are powerful, just the same percentage of change happens to us when we hear of the negative effects of something as when we hear the possible positive effects. As in placebo, 40% or more of the time people told of the possible side effects and not told of what healing may come, develop an illness when given sugar pills. Our brain is very powerful.

I want to empower people to create their own health by removing the cause of their problems.

I have been told by many people that this will not work, people are not ready to stop being submissive.

Yesterday someone told me that healers healed people with their energy. I replied by telling them, “I had that belief once. I used to just touch people to heal them and I did wonderful things. Now I help people find what the cause to their problems are and what they could do to remove the cause themselves. When I touched people to heal them it did bring symptomatic relief and sometimes that lasted a while. Giving people the ability to have the option of growing and as a result of their growth, removing the cause of what created problems…also gave them an understanding of how to create good things.”

To empower someone gives them more and more because they have the clarity of brain, perceptions and life to become the author of their own story.


What controls our brain?

We like to think what we do is under control of our thoughts…but what really controls our brain?

 We first develop empathy and through this we learn many things including the ability to understand facial expression.

We next learn affect. After empathizing with our parents we imitate how our parents feel about themselves in various situations. What automatically happens to our parents now happens to us. This is what creates the self image we have.

There is evidence to show that up to seven seconds before we make a simple mental choice on which hand to use, the decision has already been made elsewhere in our brain. This would imply that our mental decisions are a mere afterthought.

How we color or shade what we see, our moods, our emotions, our reactions are something that happen deep inside the non-verbal part of our brain. This is important information if we are going to make lasting changes and not try to swing a cat (our brain)  by its tail (our thoughts).

The new science of re-consolidation allows us to improve the memory’s we have in the non-verbal part of our brain. The current tests being done in the E.U. and the United States are using drugs to remove unpleasant memories, to help people. The problem is how much do we want to remove memories that could warn us? Do we want to remove the memories, or feel good about ourselves?

It would be nice to enhance our brain so we could control how we automatically felt..

What if we could!

What is real growth?

If we can automatically feel better about ourselves when we wear something new, how can we create a feeling like wearing a new outfit that is automatic and is lasting as well?

What creates the automatic adjustments in the lens we use to view everything?

The special challenge I had when I was looking for something to help me with my personal growth was that I believed if the growth I was getting was real, it would help me with my reactions and improve my self-perceptions.

I wanted growth that was inside of me, I wanted to be myself and not have to stop and think to be a better person.

I wanted to feel handsome all the time and be able to see that in the eyes of those looking at me, without having to be concerned about my appearance. I wanted my inner beauty to be something I could see as well.

I wanted to be good to the people that cared about me. I wanted to be present and calm when there were stressful situations not just when it was easy to be that way. The times I had problems were times that I had reactions that took over my thoughts.

Reactions and perceptions are so powerful they command our thoughts and like a nightmare, the feeling we have alters us and our ideas. If we wake up from a nightmare and someone tells us, “that was just a dream” it still feels real. When we feel differently later on, we can see it was just a dream easily.

The same part of our brain that creates our nightmares, also alters the lens we use to give us our perceptions. The same information in this part of our brain that is creating nightmares, is also the fuel for our reactions. This automatic part of us can have fears or perceptions that are erroneous.

The Dalai Lama said, “Eliminate the negative or dark forces from our emotions and there is enlightenment.”

What can change the meaning and value of what we see, are the automatic tunings or adjustments that happen to the lens we use to view everything.

The lens we use gives us the perceptions we have. We all have our own unique way of experiencing others, the world and ourselves.

How we instantly and automatically prepare, tunes or controls the lens we use.

The information that directs our preparations tells us when we should react (another way we prepare), it creates the mood we are in (another way we are prepared), it tells us how we should feel about ourselves and our appearance in relation to our situation (another way we prepare), it controls how guarded or tense we are in our body (another way we prepare), the emotions and feelings we have (another way we prepare) and all of these influence the lens we use.

This is information we learned primarily before we were verbal. We learned it emulating what we empathized (pre-motor pathway). This is something we saw and felt our parents do as they prepared for all the situations they were in.

If we were able to make permanent improvements in the information that created our preparations, we could improve how we feel about our appearance and the improvement would automatically happen, we would have the same feeling we did with a new outfit on and that wonderful feeling about how beautiful or handsome we were would be lasting.

We could also eliminate reactions that we did not want to have. We could stop being jealous.

We could alter the amount of reward we automatically gave ourselves and what feeling we wanted that reward to be, so we could unconditionally love ourselves automatically and when we loved ourselves that way we could easily do that for others as well.

The preparations we have that are automatically happening  to us, are altering the lens we use to give us our perception of our self and as we bring clarity to the lens we see not just our own beauty but the beauty in others as well.

When we are able to add meaning to what we see by choice, we can see the beauty within.

When we have information in our operating system that creates good feelings automatically for us before we look in the mirror… we see our own beauty when we look at ourselves and we experience an automatic clarity that allows us to see the beauty in others.

How we experience something is more important than what we think about it because the way we experience ourselves or someone else, can give us options of better experiences.

Enlightenment is removing the darkness to revel our light. Everything is illuminated from within.

A little light can remove a lot of darkness. Please recommend this to others.

The Wizard of Oz gave people the most valuable thing of all, he gave them what was missing so they could be more themselves.

I want to give what is missing so we can be more ourselves as well.

I would love to share this exercise, it helped me to add something that was missing so I could be more myself and have real growth. There are many more exercises like this on this website. Please enjoy them.

What prevents me from unconditionally loving myself?

Listen to

Click on the above exercise.

Unconditionally loving myself.

Listen to

Click on the above exercise.


Overcoming overwhelming sadness

Overcoming overwhelming sadness without becoming depressed, phoney or thinking it was our love that hurt us.


Let me begin by saying that this is not going to be any nonsense about how to think or what ideas you should have. Telling someone what to think when they are hurt is ridiculous.

This is about growing during grief or loss. Growth is something that improves the chemistry in our brain. If we have a healthy chemistry in our brain during loss we can experience sadness but also see our light shine so we can see our way out of the darkness.

In part one of this work, we have exercises for the loss and sadness we feel from the end of a relationship or from the end of a career or job.

There is loss in relationships, a parent passes or someone we love leaves us. We have the opportunity to grow by allowing ourselves to continue to feel the way we did about ourselves because we were loved.

We should feel good to spite the people that were not good to us and if someone was good to us, we should feel good in memory of them. In either case, we have the opportunity to understand that we have the power to make ourselves feel good. When we understand we can and should feel wonderful even though we miss someone and are sad, we learn to turn on our light and a little light removes a lot of darkness.

This exercise is to help us have a better brain chemistry and feel our power during sadness.

Feeling good about myself.

Listen to

Click on the above exercise.

The next type of loss is of career. There are times we do not succeed at what we are doing. If we are doing something because we admire ourselves for doing it but do not enjoy what we are doing, we may not make it work. There are things I thought would be a great achievement for me but when I found out they were phoney I was not able to do them. I would be sad because I had wanted to feel good from the success and did not know how to get that feeling otherwise. When I learned how to unconditionally love myself, I was able to give myself rewards for being honest and real. I was able to work hard at things that were outside of “the box” and give myself rewards because I was proud no matter what anyone else thought.

There are times we do enjoy something and just lose our job because of slow business. How do we give ourselves the rewards we got when we were working hard so we could have a good brain chemistry and not get depressed, petty or irritable? We have to learn how to reward ourselves all the time so we have the ability to do more and overcome tough times.

The following exercise will help us to grow from the difficulty and become more of a person we will respect and admire.

Can we give ourselves permission to feel good?

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Click on the above exercise.

Giving ourselves the feelings we need, to have the strength to grow

Listen to

Click on the above exercise.



Want to enjoy being more creative

We can remove what prevents us from being more creative






If we are going to look deep inside and express some universal truth that others will be moved by, we have to be able to let go and open ourselves up.

As we let go of the things that prevent or inhibit us from being authentic, we reveal more of ourselves and open a well from which our creativity can flow.

When we remove what inhibits our creativity, we become playful, open our heart to take risks and whenever we do something from our heart we are more creative. When we open our heart we are also able to fulfill our dreams that have meaning.

Adding something is like writing with ink, the ink and the paper are not one, so the addition is not permanent. When we engrave something it is a permanent change, because this is a change within itself. When we remove what has blocked our heart, we have a change within us that is permanent and who we are is revealed.

What is preventing me from doing things I would love

Listen to

Click on the above exercise

Removing the blocks to my opening up to create

Listen to

Click on the above exercise