
Would you like to have control of your reactions?

Becoming enlightened takes more than having good thoughts or feelings.

When we work on our brain, we can grow and permanently improve something about ourselves, whether it is to feel safe, feel beautiful or become enlightened, we want the change to be real.

When we are able to feel what we wanted automatically, we know we have grown. 

I am introducing something called Cerebrology. It is a new science about our brain.

Cerebrology uses natural non-verbal techniques to enhance the way we prepare automatically. Our reactions, emotions and perceptions are all just automatic preparations done in the non-verbal part of our brain.

When we enhance the information we have that instantly and automatically prepare us, we can permanently improve many things and become more “ourselves”.

One of the things Cerebrology can improve for us, is the reaction of jealousy. We can permanently remove jealousy because it is a reaction and not a conscious thought.

This simple five minute exercise will rewrite the affect that creates the automatic feeling of jealousy.

I hope you enjoy it.

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