
Want to enjoy being more creative

We can remove what prevents us from being more creative






If we are going to look deep inside and express some universal truth that others will be moved by, we have to be able to let go and open ourselves up.

As we let go of the things that prevent or inhibit us from being authentic, we reveal more of ourselves and open a well from which our creativity can flow.

When we remove what inhibits our creativity, we become playful, open our heart to take risks and whenever we do something from our heart we are more creative. When we open our heart we are also able to fulfill our dreams that have meaning.

Adding something is like writing with ink, the ink and the paper are not one, so the addition is not permanent. When we engrave something it is a permanent change, because this is a change within itself. When we remove what has blocked our heart, we have a change within us that is permanent and who we are is revealed.

What is preventing me from doing things I would love

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Removing the blocks to my opening up to create

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