Love heals

The greatest thing, you will ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return.

Most of us are looking for an opportunity to have a feeling of oneness in a relationship.

The incredible feeling of oneness is something we shared with our parents before we were verbal.

When we were very young, we had empathy for our parents. We understood how they felt about themselves in relation to other people.

We imitated the way our parents felt and how they prepared for things and as it became a part of us, it was our “affect” now, not just our parents. Animals learn this the same way.

When we are in love and feel a oneness with another person once again, we have an opportunity to find clarity and resolution.

We can use the chemistry that our love creates within us to rewrite any erroneous affect we got from our parents.

When we are with a person we want to feel this oneness with, we release neurotransmitters, dopamine and nor epinephrine. These give us a feeling of excitement and heightened perception.

The more we are together with the person we feel one with, the more we release endorphins and enkephalins, these powerful natural narcotics give us a sense of comfort, safety and well being.

The feeling of oneness we have may come from the neurotransmitter serotonin. The important thing for us is that these give us the opportunity to rewrite things very easily.

We have the opportunity to re-write many things that we keep looking to resolve. Love is a powerful healing tool when we consciously use it to bring us enlightenment.

As we slip into this feeling of oneness, we can easily resolve our issues.

When we rewrite the old information, we are free to have wonderful feelings about ourselves all the time.

How we feel about ourselves alters how everyone else will feel about us, automatically.



How are we able to rewrite affect, is it like a memory?

In experiments rats were first conditioned by getting a shock after hearing a horn.

Then just the horn sound was made without a shock and the rats continued to panic, a sign they had become conditioned.

The rats were unconditioned by using a drug that made them feel no emotion or fear. The sound of the horn was played when they were drugged and there was no reaction.

After the drug wore off the horn was again sounded and there was again no reaction from the rats.

What prepares us to react is a memory of a feeling. This memory is something like a file we open when we need information about a situation.

The memory is a solid thing like concrete before we access it.

As we review the file of the memory, it is no longer a “cement like physical thing” because it is being used, it is not a “memory” but rather a current item we are playing in our mind.

Because the “memory” is now a  current event of thought,  it is open to being rewritten or rerecorded with whatever new information we want to add to it.

When we are done thinking about the rerecording or what we edited after reviewing, it again becomes a solid object in the brain as it is being stored.

We edit memory each time we visit it.


There are many types of touch. Please be careful to match the type of touch to the healing that is desired.

Recognizing what prepares me so I am not feeling comfortable or beautiful with a loving touch.

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Rewriting what prepares me, so I am comfortable, feel beautiful and happy when I receive a loving touch.

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Click on the above exercise.

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