
High vibrational energy to help us grow

Recently I have seen a great deal about how we are receiving high vibrational energy. I have heard from some people that this energy can be a lot to deal with. I hear the word “growth” associated with this higher vibrational energy and I would humbly request that you consider, that this energy is love and I hope you will allow me to explain…

Where we are going will seem distant when our perspective is that our growth and development, are things we can see in front of us. Like places on a map that we are going to, where we want to be, may seem far away or maybe where we are going will seem as though it is always just out of our reach.

When I see that the growth I want, is coming to me…I can do the work I need to do from where I am. It is fun to see all the options I have for good things when I let go and allow myself to enjoy them. It is also fun to see if I will enjoy the responsibility I have to be open to more joy. I watch myself to see if I let go of the barriers I have, that prevent me from receiving pleasure, or if I run.

Now that I have removed many of the barriers I had, that hindered me from appreciating my own soul and feeling love for myself, I realize the barriers I had, allowed illusions about who I was, to limit my life. As I have brought clarity to the lens I use to see myself, the experiences I have reflect the improvement I have made. My “growth” has allowed me to be present, connected and see the beauty in others. I have clarity and an enhanced experience of reality because the theme to the story of my life has developed along with my vibration.

To see all the options I had, became only possible when I appreciated my soul. Removing the barriers and blocks I had to allow all the things I wanted to come to me, allowed me to have and enjoy love, realize and embrace health and create exciting new things. When I was able to accept the responsibility of having an appreciation of my soul, I also was able to reward myself by giving myself permission to have incredible joy and happiness. I was able to be more alive and experience more beauty than I had ever dreamed possible because I let go of what prevented me from seeing through a clear lens.

I am able to see what illuminates the path and the garden, is the fire of life that is…me.  I am….grateful.

The vibrations that come to you are asking you to allow love.