
I remember someone saying “If we could enjoy our work with the enthusiasm we play sports with, we would be very successful.” We change the percentages in our favor when we see challenges instead of obstacles.If you or your employees are looking for ways to be more successful, the first step to take is clearing the lens we use, so we can see our goals as small challenges and enjoy each one of them.

Jack Nicklaus, the wonderful golfer was asked what his secret to success was. He said, “I think that winning at golf is just about luck but I notice I get luckier the more I practice.” I understood from listening to people that were successful what the ingredients for success were but having the feeling they had, was what gave the ingredients flavor.

Seeing challenges instead of obstacles is something that comes from deep inside us. I wanted to have the sense of play and wonder that I saw on the faces of those that had the courage to live a life they dreamed of. I wanted to be as enthusiastic about everything I did, as Jack Nicklaus was about playing golf.

Rewriting the conditioning I had that automatically made me see obstacles instead of challenges, was essential to my success because without those barriers, I had incredible power. I did some easy exercises that permanently tore down my invisible walls, walls that kept me from reaching my goals.

We do not need someone to cheer us on, we need to know how to permanently remove the conditioning we have that limits us. Cerebrology training is now providing workshops that will quickly, easily and permanently allow us to rewrite the old limiting conditioning we have.

When we feel a passion for our work, we automatically see each step towards our goal as a challenge that we enjoy. We can work the way we play at sports, put our all into what we do and do it without fear. Having the natural ability to enjoy challenges, opens new doors for us.

In earlier blogs I shared some stories about conditioning. In one story they conditioned a rat by playing a sound and then shocking the rat. When the rat heard the sound it “prepared” for a shock even after there were no more shocks. In another story about a rat being conditioned, they turned on a light and then gave the rat a shock, so when the rat saw the light come on it “prepared” for a shock even when they stopped the shocks

As we begin to do something the conditioning we have “prepares” us. Going to the mirror is like the sound or the light for the rat that was conditioned. Our conditioning “prepares” us, what we see is the feeling we have about ourselves.

If we are conditioned to feel unattractive, before we look in the mirror we feel unattractive and we add this value to what we see.If we are conditioned to feel comfortable and beautiful in our body, we feel that before we look at our reflection and we add this feeling about ourselves to the image we see. This conditioning automatically changes how we see ourselves as well as how we appear.

A previous blog had a story about monkeys that got sprayed with cold water when any of the monkeys tried to go towards a ladder that had bananas on top of it. The experimenters took one of the monkeys out that got conditioned this way and replaced it with another monkey. They stopped spraying the monkeys before they put the new monkey in the cage. When the new monkey went towards the ladder the conditioned monkeys conditioned the new monkey not to go to the ladder by stopping him.This monkey became conditioned to stop other monkeys from going towards the ladder in this way.

One by one, each of the monkeys conditioned by water were replaced by a new monkey that was conditioned not to go towards the ladder by the other monkeys. Eventually these monkeys had children and their offspring did not have to be conditioned in this way, they learned from their parents by imitation and understood the feeling their parents had about the ladder.

This is similar to what has happened to all of us in some way, we have been in many ways conditioned to have invisible walls that prevent us from reaching our goals We are automatically “preparing” for obstacles instead of seeing challenges because of this.

Cerebrology trainings use “muscle memory” to rewrite this old conditioning, so we can remove these invisible walls. The fun workshops give us a permanent clarity and strength that allows us to climb up and get what we want.

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