What is real growth?

If we can automatically feel better about ourselves when we wear something new, how can we create a feeling like wearing a new outfit that is automatic and is lasting as well?

What creates the automatic adjustments in the lens we use to view everything?

The special challenge I had when I was looking for something to help me with my personal growth was that I believed if the growth I was getting was real, it would help me with my reactions and improve my self-perceptions.

I wanted growth that was inside of me, I wanted to be myself and not have to stop and think to be a better person.

I wanted to feel handsome all the time and be able to see that in the eyes of those looking at me, without having to be concerned about my appearance. I wanted my inner beauty to be something I could see as well.

I wanted to be good to the people that cared about me. I wanted to be present and calm when there were stressful situations not just when it was easy to be that way. The times I had problems were times that I had reactions that took over my thoughts.

Reactions and perceptions are so powerful they command our thoughts and like a nightmare, the feeling we have alters us and our ideas. If we wake up from a nightmare and someone tells us, “that was just a dream” it still feels real. When we feel differently later on, we can see it was just a dream easily.

The same part of our brain that creates our nightmares, also alters the lens we use to give us our perceptions. The same information in this part of our brain that is creating nightmares, is also the fuel for our reactions. This automatic part of us can have fears or perceptions that are erroneous.

The Dalai Lama said, “Eliminate the negative or dark forces from our emotions and there is enlightenment.”

What can change the meaning and value of what we see, are the automatic tunings or adjustments that happen to the lens we use to view everything.

The lens we use gives us the perceptions we have. We all have our own unique way of experiencing others, the world and ourselves.

How we instantly and automatically prepare, tunes or controls the lens we use.

The information that directs our preparations tells us when we should react (another way we prepare), it creates the mood we are in (another way we are prepared), it tells us how we should feel about ourselves and our appearance in relation to our situation (another way we prepare), it controls how guarded or tense we are in our body (another way we prepare), the emotions and feelings we have (another way we prepare) and all of these influence the lens we use.

This is information we learned primarily before we were verbal. We learned it emulating what we empathized (pre-motor pathway). This is something we saw and felt our parents do as they prepared for all the situations they were in.

If we were able to make permanent improvements in the information that created our preparations, we could improve how we feel about our appearance and the improvement would automatically happen, we would have the same feeling we did with a new outfit on and that wonderful feeling about how beautiful or handsome we were would be lasting.

We could also eliminate reactions that we did not want to have. We could stop being jealous.

We could alter the amount of reward we automatically gave ourselves and what feeling we wanted that reward to be, so we could unconditionally love ourselves automatically and when we loved ourselves that way we could easily do that for others as well.

The preparations we have that are automatically happening  to us, are altering the lens we use to give us our perception of our self and as we bring clarity to the lens we see not just our own beauty but the beauty in others as well.

When we are able to add meaning to what we see by choice, we can see the beauty within.

When we have information in our operating system that creates good feelings automatically for us before we look in the mirror… we see our own beauty when we look at ourselves and we experience an automatic clarity that allows us to see the beauty in others.

How we experience something is more important than what we think about it because the way we experience ourselves or someone else, can give us options of better experiences.

Enlightenment is removing the darkness to revel our light. Everything is illuminated from within.

A little light can remove a lot of darkness. Please recommend this to others.

The Wizard of Oz gave people the most valuable thing of all, he gave them what was missing so they could be more themselves.

I want to give what is missing so we can be more ourselves as well.

I would love to share this exercise, it helped me to add something that was missing so I could be more myself and have real growth. There are many more exercises like this on this website. Please enjoy them.

What prevents me from unconditionally loving myself?

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Click on the above exercise.

Unconditionally loving myself.

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Click on the above exercise.


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