
You pushed love down the stairs…

I grew up in San Francisco and when I was a kid, I would walk my wagon up a steep hill by my house and ride it down the middle of the street. I remember flying in the air when my wagon would hit bumps. There were moments I achieved weightlessness. Floating or flying, whatever it was, it was wonderful.

I remember flying far out of my wagon on some bumps. Sometimes I would leave the wagon completely and land on the road.

As children, we all got hurt playing. We got up if we fell down, wiped the dirt out of our hands and kept playing.

I got hurt learning to ride my bike too. I bet you got hurt learning to ride your bike. We get hurt many times growing up but getting hurt playing never changed how we felt about ourselves.

When the people that we trusted to love us, hurt us, it did change the way we felt about ourselves. Most people do not stop playing because they got hurt playing, they stopped playing because they were hurt emotionally.

If we became numb during the time someone hurt us, we may not remember why we stopped playing. Come with me and I will show you how we can find a connection to the playful part of us, once again.

When we are infants, we are unable to take care of ourselves and need our parents to take care of us. We focus on our parent’s emotions and happiness more than our own, because we need them for our care.

Betrayal, trauma or neglect hurt us emotionally, we get upset…and  when we experience our emotions of sadness or upset, if our emotions make the person that is hurting our feelings more upset and they hurt us more…it is natural for us to  stop having emotions, in order to be less abused… Denying our emotions is how we quickly lose our connection to “self” and soon, we stop playing fearlessly.

Connected to our own feelings about ourselves is where we are strongest.

The feelings of someone we bond with become a part of how we feel about ourselves. It is sad, but becoming numb actually makes the feelings of insecurity we have,  hard to experience and understand as not our own feelings but the feelings someone else had that was in my opinion a jerk.

These are feelings someone conditioned us to have about ourselves. We were conditioned to become numb when they got emotionally upset about being hurt by someone. When we were numb, it was easy to condition us to accept their feelings about us, instead of our own.

Each time they lied to us and promised us love and took love instead, we had a dissonance occur in our brain that was created by our caring more about them than they did for us. This dissonance in our brain made us infatuated with the pursuit of their attention and love. This pursuit, of the admiration and attention of someone that does not love us, is the foundation for narcissism. The feelings of insecurity we have from someone that hurt us, is more about them and less about us. Each minute we get back up and fight to get our life and emotions back, the insecurities we have, just like realizing a nightmare was just a bad dream…disappear forever.

We were happy playful kids. We took on the feelings of the person that hurt us and bonded with them because we did not have our own feelings and emotions.

Understanding our insecurities are not about us is important. Our insecurities are like weeds that someone else planted and have nothing to do with us.

The insecurity weeds grow larger each time we listen to someone that tells us to abandon our emotions. Our emotions are the beautiful flowers that grow in our garden, when we care about them.

Re- connecting to our true self is like finding our garden, we have to hear and experience all of our emotions. We were not comfortable having the emotions that created our aliveness but we need to reconnect to them now. When we have compassion for our heart, we open the well that waters the garden and we bloom again.

When we love someone that loves us, we see who we are. We stop being worried about what others think and we enjoy what we are doing.

Narcissists are everywhere now, it is important for our ability to re-connect with our self, that we avoid them.

Humans are not able to be introspective without emotions. As a narcissist, a person is not able to realize they do not have much empathy for others they want in their lives.

Narcissists can speak of love and tell you they love you. Narcissists have dramatic swings of feelings about themselves because “feeling admired” is far from connecting to the real child/person within.

If we bond with a narcissist and we become numb, we risk losing the ability to connect to our emotions and become our authentic selves.

(Here is where we push love down the stairs…)

I was emotionally hurt a long time ago and because of that I began studying A Course in Miracles and Neuro Linguistic Programming. After doing N.L.P. for a while, I became a narcissist. It was great not to feel sad but I did not notice I was not feeling many emotions at all.

I did a lot of work to feel my emotions again and I am proud to say I understand how much better life is feeling all my emotions. I am no longer a narcissist and would be glad to help anyone that wants help re-connecting to their authentic self.

Yesterday on a new age radio network, I was listening to a very popular author. She was taking calls from listeners and helping them with the problems they had.

The woman that called in wanted to know, “Why do I keep chasing after people that hurt me?”

The author told the person, “You need to stop caring so much about people in your life and become selfish. You deserve to be happy.”

We do not need to become selfish, or narcissists to be happy.

When we are whole and connected to our emotions, we are able to be happy and love others.

I am sad to hear so many people telling others to do something that would only bring symptomatic relief and then bring the caller back needing more.

To remove the cause of a problem, I would ask more questions of the caller. If I understood more, I could empower the caller to remove the cause of their problems themselves.

There are maps that allow people to return to the connection they once had with themselves. Each map is unique because our path is our life. It is wonderful to show someone how he or she can create a wonderful re-bonding experience himself or herself.
It is only through love that we can heal our broken heart.

In loving our children, we see our own beauty. The person that runs into our arms with love is the mirror we want to have.

The love we have for the person that loves us, will allow us to see how much we are like the person we love and we will bond to the feeling they have about us.

When we have bonding experiences with souls that reflect how lovable and wanted we are, we will once again play with abandon.

Narcissist The Exercise for Healing

Video “Part One”will help us understand how a narcissist persona began and how it changes us.

Video “Part Two” is the exercise for healing ourselves. When we open our heart, have a way to automatically love ourselves the way others do and become real as a result…we can see our beauty with a new clarity and the beauty of others as well.

I love you.

Photo @ by Zack Milstein


Video Part One



Video Part Two

Step Two Seeing the Beauty of Our Soul


How do we grow as a person so that we can experience our beauty reflected in the world we see? One of the important steps in the process is to develop an appreciation for the beauty of our soul.

When we are able to experience the beauty our soul has, we are able to open our heart much more. As we open our heart we turn up the volume on all of our senses and experience much more.

“How” we see ourselves is important for our growth. In particle physics, you may have learned that “how” we observe an object changes it. If we are only able to see light in the form of a particle, light will become a particle. When we are only able to see light in the form of a wave, light will become a wave.

How we observe something in particle physics changes it. “How” we observe ourselves changes us as well.

If we put on a new outfit, we feel wonderful. When we feel wonderful, we experience ourselves in a way that allows us to be more ourselves. Who we are when we are more ourselves, allows us to create experiences we would not have, if we were not feeling whole.

What creates the way we “see” ourselves? Our brain works as a unit for many tasks but not all tasks. Some areas of our brain have specific duties. One area of our brain adjusts our pupil size and another area has the ability to analyze information the information our eye receives about the spectrum of light. This area of our brain adds the value of color to an object.

Another area of our brain adds the emotional value others have for us. “How” we see ourselves, is an emotional value we place on ourselves. “How” we see ourselves may be different in each relationship we have. How we see ourselves also changes the outcome of each relationship we have.

Our brain is primarily a social tool for us to interact with others. The part of our brain that ascribes the value or meaning of the facial expressions of others, does this for us instantly. In the same instant, the same area of our brain will change how we feel in relationship to someone’s facial expressions. We also understand what we may expect as an outcome of this relationship in the same way.

We learned “how” to feel about ourselves from our early experiences. The part of our brain that “sees” us, does not understand language.

Step number 2 is about seeing the beauty of our soul. We will be doing exercises that allow us to rewrite the conditioned way we see ourselves in various relationships. The exercises give us an experience that allows us to see the beauty of our soul reflected in the eyes of everyone we have a relationship with.

We learn to dance, float or ride a bike and have a new experience of ourselves that allows us to see ourselves differently. “How” we now see ourselves has been enhanced because of a new experience of ourselves. The way we get updates in our brain so we can see ourselves in a new way is not from words or ideas but from a new experience of our self.

How does seeing our self in an enhanced way improve our life in an objective way? When we are interviewed for a job, our job is to move a person’s feelings about us towards our goal of offering us the job. If how we see ourselves is as a wonderful person, the person interviewing us will instantly understand how we feel. If we do not feel comfortable, the person interviewing us will understand this too, without us saying a word.

If we ran out onto a stage because we were late and the audience lights were on so we could see the audience, we would look into the eyes of the audience and see them as judgmental. How we felt about ourselves (anxious) would be added to the value or meaning of what we felt was behind the eyes looking at us.

If we feel wonderful, relaxed and lovable before we went onstage, we would see the audience love us. Conditioning is the “preparation” added before we do something. The feeling we have inside us about ourselves is what we see in the eyes of others.

If we have a good objective experience of ourselves a few times, each experience will validate a new and enhanced automatic way of seeing ourselves. Just as when we learn to dance, we can have an experience of ourselves in any social situation or relationship that will allow us to be more comfortable and whole.

Seeing love in someone’s eyes now becomes what we prepare for automatically each time we see them or when we go onstage. We now have a new conditioned response and a new outcome because of it.

If we saw ourselves as unlovable or someone that had to accept mistreatment, we might have lived out a story similar to a tragedy. When we appreciate who we are and respect the beauty of our soul, we give ourselves the ability to rewrite our story and create the life we want.

Seeing the beauty of our soul is what this lesson and group is about. The 2nd group gives us the support of having a new experience of ourselves in any relationship we want to improve. The experience allows us to see the beauty of our soul in others eyes.

As we learn to appreciate the beauty of our soul, we develop the ability to also see beauty in the souls of others. When we see the beauty of a person’s soul it is wonderful to see how much they enjoy showing us all of the beauty they have. As we open our heart and connect to others in this way, we create an enhanced experience.


The Seven Step Program










The 7 step program:

1) It’s my life

2) My soul is beautiful

3) Emotions add color to the world

4) Teaching my brain to reward me

5) Creating feelings in others

6) Opening my heart to create what I want

7) Relationships

Each step and peer support group will enhance our experience of life.

Step 1 – “It’s my life”

A person entering the group accepts that they are now “their own parent” and have the responsibility of giving themselves the love and happiness, they always wanted to have.

We take responsibility for hearing and seeing who we are. This means that we honor our feelings.When we cry inside, we hear it and do something about it. When we are our own parent and hear our inner child, we feel heard. When we listen we become more alive.

When we laugh and are happy, we reward ourselves by being proud we were good to our inner child. In this way we feel seen for who we are. We become more confident and whole each time we reward what makes us happy.

By being there all the time for our inner child, we re-pattern our early bonding experience. Because of this we have an enhanced experience of ourselves in the world.

As we feel ourselves as a caring and loving parent that is always there, we develop object permanence. Object permanence is the grounded feeling people want. We feel safe, at home and wanted no matter where we are.

The group allows members to talk about the new relationship they have with themselves and how they are parenting their inner child. We support each other as loving and compassionate parents that are learning more all the time.

This first step in opening our heart, is wonderful when we have support for the work we do.

See Your Beauty Workshop

The first two exercises we use rewrite the conditioning that inhibits us from being able to see our beauty in the eyes of others.

The video is showing the last exercise, getting up and seeing our beauty and the love others have for us, in their eyes.

We look forward to seeing you at the next workshop.

Feeling beautiful is about much more than our appearance, it can be about removing shame, removing conditioning that creates inhibitions, allowing ourselves to see and feel what loving ourselves is all about and seeing others see how beautiful and lovable we are whenever we look into their eyes. It is a permanent enhancement in the clarity we have in the lens we use to see our reality with.

It is nice to know there is an easy exercise we can do to rewrite the conditioning that has prevented us from seeing our beauty and feeling loveable and love for ourselves so quickly and permanently. Just as we learned to float and had a better experience in the water, we can have a better experience with ourselves and others in our life.

When we love ourselves it creates so much clarity, we instantly have power and presence. When we see our beauty we are able to see more of the beauty in others and our world as well. As we see our beauty we realize our world is just a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Feeling lovable reveals more of who we truly are, so we lose our inhibitions and open our heart.

I hope to see you at a workshop soon.

Self Help

Einstein said, to have a solution to a problem, we have to have a different mind than the one that created the problem.

If we could bring clarity to the automatic part of our mind, we would create a “new mind”. This new mind would improve how we experienced everything. Our perceptions, feelings, emotions and preparations are all automatic and now they provide us with experiences to validate the clarity we have deep inside.

As we add clarity to the automatic part of us, we instantly prepare for a new way of experiencing ourselves and life. How we experience ourselves and life, will change what we experience.

When we remove the curtains and open the blinds, we can find what we have been looking for. We are not adding thoughts, ideas or conditioning that would make us less ourselves. This is something totally new. Here we are able to remove erroneous affect and conditioning that inhibited us, made us anxious, approval seeking, fearful and depressed.

Now we can see who we really are. Being our true selves allows us to naturally be confident, strong and creative. We are spontaneous and funny not phony. This type of clarity allows us to illuminate much more…enlightenment is just an extension of this.

It may be easy to see the difference between the feral cat outside and the one happily curled up in our lap. They both have a very different experience of their lives because of the affect they learned from their parents. How does affect actually effect us? How does it alter our experience?

Affect is really just a term for the process of having empathy for our parents feelings and after feeling them in our own body, we emulate those same feelings and as we do they become our own.

Our brain will prepare us for a particular relationship or situation, using the non-verbal information it has about what our role is in a relationship and what it should prepare us for. Our brains automatic preparation creates our reactions and adds value and meaning to what we see, this is how perceptions are created.

We do not need to “overcome limiting beliefs” to have clarity, our brain is not controlled by beliefs or words. Beliefs are a way of expressing how we feel, not a way of creating changes in how we feel about ourselves. If the way our automatic brain or “operating system” feels about us in a relationship is positive, we will be relaxed, present, alive, energized and whole automatically.

If we have a good relationship with the water because we can float, we are automatically relaxed and excited when we see the water.  We are able to breathe deeply and expand our lungs, experience ourselves as being lifted by the water and have a great time. We will also have a wonderful experience of everyone around us.

Being relaxed enough to be in the present is the same, when we rewrite or remove an erroneous self image, body image, a feeling of shame or discomfort in a situation, so we feel confident, we are able to feel relaxed and excited automatically all the time. The simple exercise to remove and rewrite the erroneous information is a natural process will improve how we  feel about ourselves and this will allow us to experience things that are only possible when we feel the way we should.

How we feel about our safety, appearance, creativity, lovability, well being, character, how we are heard, desired, how much reward we deserve and more, all alter the way we prepare and because of that, they alter the experiences we have.

Enlightenment is not just about being relaxed. Enlightenment is about having clear perceptions. Perceptions that allow us to experience better experiences.

The way we feel about ourselves is instant and automatic. We create our theme and story, before we consciously think about it. Just as in our dreams, the feelings we have deep inside about our self, alter what we see visually.

That is why we are here. Our perceptions, reactions, emotions, feelings, energy, presence, vitality, creativity, warmth, openness, bliss and laughter all are automatic. These form the foundation of who we are and the essence of what others may describe as our soul. Who we are is how we experience our life.

As we rewrite erroneous information, we essentially remove illusions about ourselves that prepared us for something bad. As we remove the illusions, we have a clarity that gives us a new and better life. When we have clarity in this way, how we perceive things allows us to have a better experience.

Enlightenment is just a state of clarity that allows us to perceive and enjoy much more, effortlessly.